What is it?
  • A wide variety of events which take place off-road
  • Compete on challenging courses against the clock
  • ££
    Medium budget required to get started
  • human person
    Personal safety equipment required
  • U18
    Participants can be under 18 years old
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Reasons we think you will love it!


The adrenaline rush of competing against the clock


Mixture of slow and high speed events


Changeable conditions add to the challenge


Multiple different types of events to compete in


Lots and lots of mud!

get started in 3 easy steps

The Cross Country Pathway


A timed trial takes place over a challenging off-road course which features a series of gates which you will need to pass through, typically marked out by canes. To be successful, you will need to navigate your way through the course without hitting or missing any of the canes, as this will result in a penalty. Not only this, you will also be up against the clock to compete for the best overall time. The driver with the lowest time and the least amount of penalties is the winner.

To get started, sign up for your free RS Clubman competition licence and find your local club.

For more information, check out the video below:


A Competitive Safari is effectively a single venue stage rally on an off-road cross country course of several miles in length. Each driver is set off at timed intervals and competes against the clock, with the aim of completing the set number of runs in the lowest cumulative time.

The course is laid out using markers ‘flags’ or ‘arrows’ and bunting in some areas. The course is completed a set number of times and penalties are given for hitting the markers or taking down the bunting. A pre-determined maximum time is given to those that do not complete the course.

Vehicles tend to be highly tuned, with strengthened transmissions and suspension. Vehicles must also be fitted with full roll cage to Motorsport UK specifications, have full harness seatbelts, additional lighting, and be fitted with a fire extinguisher and spill kit.

To get started, find your local club, sign up for your free RS Clubman licence and head along to an event near you.

For more information, check out the video below:

Hill Rally

A Hill Rally features a similar format to a Competitive Safari with the addition of multiple stages across a variety of different locations. This provides crews an extra challenge as they seek to master a wide range of different terrains.

Due to the event being held in multiple locations, some hill rallies may also feature road sections which adds a different dimension to the competition, ensuring that you arrive at the next location correctly and on time for the next stage.

Hill Rallies are high speed events with a maximum average speed of 50 mph, so the action is fast and furious, especially given the rugged terrain that makes up each individual stage. As such, the vehicles need to be built strongly to survive the rigours of off-road competition, conforming to the necessary safety requirements as set out in the regulations.

For more information, check out the video below:

Apply for your Free RS Clubman Licence

Start your motorsport journey, apply online for your free RS Clubman licence